Friday, October 30, 2009

Lecture 17 and 18: Library Research Sessions

For Lecture 17 (Tuesday 3rd of November) you'll have the opportunity to use class time to research your topics for the annotated bibliography and essay. For assignment information see here.

For Lecture 18 (Thursday 5th of November) we'll have a library research session in room 7-202C on the Western side of the CCC library. Please make sure you give yourself enough time to find the lab. Jody will be sharing with us some ways to find scholarly resources which you'll be able to use for your annotated bibliographies and essay.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lecture 16: Comparative In-Class Essay

As you`re all aware, today`s the day for the comparative essay.  As noted in class, you`ll be comparing any two essays from our books (except the two we`ve just read on addiction) OR you might wish bring in two of your own texts (poems, essays, plays) to compare. You must decide HOW you`ll compare the two texts.

As with our previous in-class assignment, I encourage you to bring in your books, laptops and dictionaries.

NOTE: Image is from Life Insurance Quotes.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Research Assignment

ENGL 102: Research Assignment

Assignment: Annotated Bibliography and Essay

Topic: Your Own Choice (but please discuss with me and choose by 5th November)

Overview: This assignment gives you the opportunity to ask and find some answers to questions that have arisen so far during our course and the readings we have completed. You will begin with a question that you have formulated.

Your research process will begin with background reading to learn more about your topic. As you read, you will be performing a wide general search, finding out about the general subject: what is there to know? What are the central issues? What do scholars seem to disagree about? What do they agree on? Is there anything still undiscovered or unknown? What steps are being taken to find out? As you read, research and discover, you will be narrowing the field to an aspect of the topic that you find yourself drawn to or deeply interested in.

Subject Areas: Based on class readings some topics might include:
• The evolution of language
• Sports and nationhood
• Population rates and parenthood
• Terrorism
• Conflict
• Gang Violence
• Addiction
• Innate intelligence
• Pandemics

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

REMINDER: SearchPath Tutorial Due 3rd November

Remember your SearchPath Tutorials are due on the 3rd of November. Please find the online tutorial via Blackboard. If anyone has any questions, do let me know via e-mail Laccettij AT

(remember to remove the spaces and replace AT with the @ symbol).

Lecture 15: Compare and Contrast Review and Practise

Today's Outline:
Reading Review – Responding to Headings
“Embraced by the Needle” Activity
Comparison and Contrast Cue Words


  • Re-read all chapters and class notes on comparative essay writing
  • Choose any two essays from Essay Writing (except “Addition in Free Markets” and “Embraced by the Needle”) to compare for your assignment next class, be sure you have a basis for comparison.

  • Bring books, dictionaries, computers to next class ready to write the comparative essay

NB: Top flow chart image from the Visual Leap, clue words and peer review ideas from Ted Nellen.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lecture 14: Comparison Essays

The In-Class Position Paper Assignment

Function of the Essay Assignment: To assess students’ ability to apply learned invention, organisation, development, revision, and editing strategies efficiently without advance preparation with regard to the particular prompt.

To assess the proficiency students have gained regarding fundamentals of writing mechanics, syntax and style and ability to properly support a stance.

As part of the assignment, namely the capacity to edit and organise, I would like each of you to "mark" your essay. Look at the rubric below for some ideas of how to mark. I realise you might be tempted to give yourself an A++ however the purpose of this assignment is to show how you can improve your own writing and thinking. Take this opportunity to show me how you might change, develop and improve your writing.

A reminder about taking a stance:
  • Understand your audience
  • Support your opinion
  • Know the various sides of your issue
  • Respectfully address other points of view
  • Find common ground with your audience
  • Establish your credibility

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lecture 13: Introduction to Compare and Contrast Essays

Compare and Contrast:

When you compare items, you look for their similarities--the things that make them the same.

For example:

Apples and oranges are both fruit.

They're both foods.

Both are made into juice.

Both grow on trees.

When you contrast items, you look at their differences.

For example:

Apples are red. Oranges are orange.

The fruits have different textures.

Oranges need a warmer place to grow, like Florida. Apples can grow in cooler places, like Alberta.

There are three strategies to organise comparison and contrast papers:

1. Whole-to-Whole, or Block

2. Similarities-to-Differences

3. Point-by-Point


Read Chapter 10 in Essay Writing.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lecture 12: In-Class Position Paper

As you know, today is the day we complete our position papers in class. On Tuesday you had the opportunity to read and brainstorm. Your homework was to come prepared to today's class with any reference information or other resources (dictionary, computer, books) that will help craft your response essay.

Remember your essay should be well structured with an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion which sums up your final thoughts and thesis statement. We've practised using transitions so be sure to link your paragraphs together. If they flow clearly, your argument will be obvious to your reader.

It is especially important to include both evidence of your position AND a dissenting opinion. Remember, including an opposing view and then dismissing it (in a logical way - without pathos) serves to strengthen your own stance.

A reminder about the assignment:

Due: End of Thursday’s Class
Length: 5-8 Well Formed Paragraphs (2-3 pages), You may have more than 3 overall points to your argument, but you should not have fewer.
Style: Formal
Audience: Academic
Additional: Remember to use MLA style for references, include page numbers and your name on each page (top right header)

Refer to your Graphic Organisers, Notes, Text books, Dictionaries

Note: Image is from Graffiti Black Book here.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lecture 11: Reaction and Response Essay

Begin Draft Position Paper (Final Due at the End of Thursday’s Class)

Read the Sample Student-Written Position Paper
Complete the Graphic Organiser

Essay Assignment:
Due: End of Thursday’s Class
Length: 5-8 Well Formed Paragraphs (2-3 pages)
Style: Formal
Audience: Academic
Additional: Remember to use MLA style for references, include page numbers and your name on each page (top right header)
Refer to your Graphic Organisers, Notes, Text books, Dictionaries

***Come Prepared to Complete Position Paper for end of Thursday’s Class***

NB: Image from University of Bonn.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Lecture 10: Reaction and Response, Using Evidence

In today's lesson we reviewed rules and then created evidence to support changes to rule. We used statistical and factual evidence and spoke about expert opinions.

After reading the Ted Byfield essay on Health Canada, we then filled in a graphic organiser with examples of evidence used.

For homework, please prepare for Tuesday's class in which we'll begin writing our position papers.

You can either come to class with a topic and source(s) for your position paper (newspaper opinion piece, journal article, film review,  must be at least two pages and include sources of evidence).

Choose to write on "The Ticking Time Bomb" (247), "The Decline of Public Language" (367), or "Any Colour as Long as it's Shakespeare" (361)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lecture 9: Reaction and Response

Today's Outline:
Taking a Position
Reacting and Responding
Read Response Essay
Reading Activity